Super Foods That Would Keep Women Health

Women are indeed the society maker and once they are kept in good health, not only the society would be healthy and strong, but overall the health scenario of the society would surge up and make way for healthy and happy nations.

Women are mostly ignorant about their needs of various types. They are careless when it comes to eating and whose results are that they have no option but to suffer in silence once they enter age after 55. Thus, the first thing towards making a woman stronger from the very base would be to correct their eating habits and introduce to them some of the must-to-have foods for their health.

Top super foods every woman must indulge in.

Low-fat yogurt or curd– A woman must enjoy a cup of low-fat yogurt at breakfast, lunch, dinner and most importantly as a healthy snack. Dietary Guidelines recommend three low-fat servings of yogurt daily as it has good properties (Calcium) for bones as it has 448 mg of calcium.

Fatty fish– (2-3 servings/week) – Fatty fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, a vital nutrient which takes care of the cell membrane of women’s bodies and provides guild against a range of heart diseases, stroke, hypertension, joint pain, depression, and inflammation among others.

Beans– Women shall ensure that are having 3-4 servings of beans in their diet as they are low in fat and a very vital source of fiber and protein and can provide effective protection against heart disease, breast cancer and also regulate irregular female hormones.

Tomatoes– Tomatoes, when taken 3-5 servings in a week, can work wonders for women to keep their health in a happier form as they have lycopene. It also protects against prostate cancer and has antioxidants to fight off free radicals and heart diseases. It also promotes radiant skin as it protects against UV damage to the skin.

Vitamin D based low-fat milk or orange juice– Vitamin D reduces the risk of osteoporosis in women, and as a result, it must be taken in good quantities as it can also curb the risk of developing diabetes, breast, colon and ovary tumors, multiple sclerosis. Fish are an excellent source of vitamin D including low-fat milk, and even orange juice is great for keeping the health of the women intact