New Fitness Trends 2018

The New Year brings in new trends for the fitness fanatics who can witness new kinds of workouts heating up the fitness scene. Fitness is not just about physical fitness, but also about being stress free – mind, body and soul, because stress ultimately impacts the health levels. Here are the latest fitness trends catching up in 2018.

Yoga and wellness coaching: Yoga is not a new term, and its benefits are wide-ranged. Not only does it improve physical fitness, it has a great impact on the relieving the mind as well. It decreases stress and anxiety, improves circulation, sleep quality, aids digestion and so on. There is also a trend for wellness coaching for rehabilitation and disease prevention.

Online Workouts: You no longer have to go looking or drive to a gym or find a trainer. Fitness trends of 2017 have ushered in the era of apps and online training and virtual studios. Several social media outlets are connecting people with fitness professionals. You can now have access to physical training according to your schedule and at a lower cost.

High Intensity Interval Training: Time being a crucial factor these days, HIIT or high intensity interval training is fats catching on. It doesn’t require you to spend long periods of time on your workout sessions, rather you are engaged in short bursts of high intensity workouts which can burn more calories in 20-30 minutes than a longer period of workout would have as these exercises are at a near heart-rate. Not only are they more effective, they also help you build endurance.