Bingo Exercise – After Your Diet Meal

The term bingo wings from an observation of middle-aged women playing bingo. When they had matched their cards, they would raise their arms to indicate the same and that would reveal their flabby arms are hanging down like wings. Women have ever since shown much interest in trying to get rid of the bingo wings. Below are some exercises that can help lose those flabby arms and sculpt them into shape:

Press-ups: This target the arms, shoulders and chest. For this exercise, you need to place your arms in an extended manner underneath your shoulders. Lay your palms flat with fingers placing forward, legs straight and knees off the floor in a rigid plank position. Now bend your elbows out to the side, lowering yourself until your chest is just two inches off the floor. Return to initial position and repeat 10-15 times.

Close-grip wall push ups: This exercise targets the triceps. You will need to stand at an arm’s length from a wall with your hands against it at chest height. Keep your elbows tucked in, and lower your body towards the wall with your arms bent. Your heels should come off the floor when you start leaning towards the wall and your body should be straight. Return to original position and repeat 10-15 times.